Working papers

State Repression, Exit, and Voice: Living in The Shadow of Cambodia's Killing Fields
With Mathias Bühler
Revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies

Children of the Pill: The Effect of Subsidizing Oral Contraceptives on Children’s Health and Wellbeing
With Jenny Jans and Emilia Simeonova
Featured in Dagens Medicin, Dagens Nyheter, and Jordemodern

Gender Empowerment in 19th Century Sweden: Using Historical Trade Shocks to Assess the Effects of Women’s Economic Empowerment
With Emilia Simeonova

Shaping the Nation: The Effect of Fourth of July on Political Preferences and Behavior in the US
With David Yanagizawa-Drott
Featured in ABS News, CBS News, Fox News 1, 2, and 3, MSNBC News, Daily Mail, Harvard Gazette, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle,, Toronto Sun, US News, and the Washington Times

SMEs and Workers During Crises: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda
With Selim Gulesci, Francesco Loiacono, and Miri Stryjan

The Social Costs of a Credit Monopoly


Repayment Flexibility and Risk Taking: Experimental Evidence from Credit Contracts
With Marianna Battaglia and Selim Gulesci, Review of Economic Studies, 2024
Featured in the World Bank Development Impact Blog 1 and 2, VoxDev, and VoxEU

Loan Contract Structure and Adverse Selection: Survey Evidence from Uganda
With Christian Ahlin, Selim Gulesci, and Miri Stryjan, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020

Sex and credit: Do gender interactions matter for credit market outcomes?
With Thorsten Beck and Patrick Behr, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2018
Featured in Financial Times Adviser, the World Bank All About Finance Blog, and VoxEU

Medical Abortion Provided by Nurse-Midwives or Physicians in a High Resource Setting
With Susanne Sjöström, Helena Kopp Kallner, Emilia Simeonova, and Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, PLoS ONE, 2016

Informal Finance: A Theory of Moneylenders
Journal of Development Economics, 2014

Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence from the Tea Party Movement
With Daniel Shoag, Stan Veuger, and David Yanagizawa-Drott, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013
Featured in Bloomberg 1 and 2, Dagens Nyheter, the Economist 1 and 2, the Guardian 1 and 2, Marginal Revolution, and Washington Post 1 and 2

In progress

60 years of global environmental change 1939-1999: digitization of 1.6 million historical aerial photographs
With Hannah Druckenmiller, Solomon Hsiang, and Anna Tompsett
Featured in E&E News, Stockholm University press office (movie and press release), Svenska Dagbladet, and Telegraph Magazine

A new approach to measuring the wealth of nations: understanding long-run economic growth using historical aerial photographs
With Hannah Druckenmiller, Solomon Hsiang, and Anna Tompsett

Closing the gender gap in agriculture
With Selim Gulesci, Elijah Kipchumba, Alexander Näsström, Munshi Sulaiman, and Esau Tugume

Economic success through salvation? Experimental evidence from the evangelical movement
With Francesco Loiacono and Jakob Svensson

Inside the production function: the effect of financial contracts on growing firms' technology use
With Selim Gulesci, Francesco Loiacono, and Miri Stryjan

Racial bias and peer effects at the police academy
With Jenny Madestam and Alexander Näsström

Who benefits from free education? Evidence from a policy experiment in Cambodia
With Mathias Bühler, Maria Cheung, and Jakob Svensson